Even more love letters from adoring readers
Updated: Feb 1, 2022

Dear Editor,
In the column you wrote about taking covid shots, you complained about people from other countries playing Americans in the movies. You complained about foreigners playing Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman and Scarlett O’Hara.
Scarlett O’Hara is not a real person. Are you really that stupid?
Dear Editor,
Thank you for urging people to get vaccinated. You are performing a valuable public service. Everyone in my family has had their vaccines and boosters, but like you, I wish they’d come up with a vaccine that would stop me from turning into Krispy Kreme every time I see that Hot Now sign on.
Dear Editor,
How much they paying you to spread that propaganda about the Covid 19 vaccine? I know people who got the shots and the booster shots and still got the covid. If it’s so good for you, how come the U.S. Senators and postal workers don’t have to take it? Also, none of the CEOs who created it take it.
You think you are a free thinker but you are just a sheep like everyone else telling people to take a shot that they don’t know what’s in it.
Dear Editor,
I thought I was going to have to stop reading The Saunders Report when I saw the headline “I am no anti-vaxxer, but...”
Usually when you see but on a story like that, you know something stupid is about to come next. I’m so glad you were only telling kids to get the lollipop they were promised first before they get the vaccine. Also, the pharmacist you wrote about should be giving out healthy snacks like apples instead of candy.
Dear Editor,
So you have been a con artist for a long time, I see. How could somebody 12-years-old trick his teacher into thinking that he met the president? I have been reading your columns off and on for 30 years and I now am wondering what else you made up. If you made up a visit with the president when you were 12, what else did you make up.
Editor’s note: I was 11, not 12.
Dear Editor,
The story about you meeting the president who wasn’t really the president was one of the funniest things I’ve ever read. I went to Leak Street High School, too, and I agree with you. I was proud to attend a school that thought that if one of their students met the president that was important enough to interrupt classes for. Even if you didn’t actually meet the president.
Dear Editor,
I was a student at Leak Street School in the 1960s and I read your story about Mr. Watkins calling the whole school to the auditorium to hear you talk about meeting the president. I was thinking I don’t ever remember that happening, but then you pointed out that you told the truth before everyone got there.
I can just imagine what Mrs. Hager wanted to do with that Tab bottle when she found out the truth. I was scared of that woman.
Dear Editor,
You have bad taste in hats and you have bad taste in soft drinks. When you wrote about the meeting with President Nixon that didn’t really happen, you said you were drinking Tab in the teachers’ lounge. The worst soft drink in history.
Editor’s note: As I recall, Tab is all they had. Also, I was so nervous thinking about the fate that awaited me when I confessed that I doubt I even tasted the soda.