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Barry Saunders
Aug 10, 20223 min read
Who IS that masked man? Why, it's me! Count on it.
Dang, I must’ve missed the memo. Naw, not the memo reiterating ad nauseam that it’s gauche to wear white after Labor Day, that stripes...
Barry Saunders
Jul 19, 20223 min read
Are we doing it for the children - or to them?
If you’re like me, you run and hide whenever you hear someone claiming they’re “doing it for the children.” It doesn’t help that, most...

Barry Saunders
Jun 27, 20223 min read
Chef leaves paradise so you'll have time to find yours
Nobody could get tired of paradise, right? Sailing on a cruise ship, visiting exotic ports of call – and getting paid to do it on top of...

Barry Saunders
Jun 20, 20222 min read
What's in a (street) name? More than you think.
Here’s something that philosophers and people with too much time on their hands have been debating for centuries: “If a tree falls in the...

Barry Saunders
Jun 15, 20223 min read
Mannish Mark Misses the Mark Yet Again
You just know that when Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson was preparing his “We are called to be led by men” speech recently, he inserted “Pause for...

Barry Saunders
May 24, 20223 min read
Grocery stores have never been just about the food... (Updated with Texas school massacre.)
Dang. I owe Mr. John King an apology. As a kid, I’d pop into the family-owned King’s Grocery Store in Rockingham every time I had some...

Barry Saunders
May 13, 20223 min read
Uh oh, I feel good: Something must be wrong!
The “placebo effect” is what happens when you take something with no actual curative powers but suddenly feel better because you think...

Barry Saunders
May 5, 20223 min read
Triumph of the human spirit - with help from a sympathetic governor and judge (extended play)
When I first introduced you to Sylvia Johnson, some of y'all doubted that she was real. How do I know? Scores of you wrote or called to...

Barry Saunders
Apr 22, 20223 min read
April Love Letters From Readers
Dear Editor, What is the deal with you and Madison Cawthorn? He seems to be your favorite whipping boy, boy. Somebody likes what he does,...
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