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Barry Saunders
Jan 11, 20233 min read
So long, Chief. Well done, good and faithful servant.
It’s not my proudest moment. It may actually be my least-proud, most cringe-worthy moment, now that I think about it. As was my wont as a...

Barry Saunders
Dec 23, 20222 min read
Oops, I goofed. A hero, regardless of which war he served in. (Correction)
In the war over World War II, I am waving the white flag. I surrender! In a recent column about Gary Rasor, the 83-year-old man who died...

Barry Saunders
Dec 22, 20223 min read
Paying tribute to a family hero
Gary Rasor and his wife, Yovone, had been trying to figure out how to get their large family together at their Durham home, but the...

Barry Saunders
Dec 14, 20223 min read
Please leave Herschel alone - unless you're offering help.
If I have one problem, it’s that I’m too sensitive. Many people – okay, just I – tell me that all the time. After Herschel Walker...

Barry Saunders
Dec 6, 20222 min read
Bob Dylan and me - there's one big difference
Bob Dylan, the musical poet laureate of the 1960s who railed against the establishment, war and greed, has been busted for selling his...

Barry Saunders
Nov 22, 20223 min read
Despite the misty, water-colored memories of old people, college was never all fun and frat parties
Ah yes, college. Four years of fun, frat parties, freedom and, oh yeah, some classes sprinkled in, right? It’s a time and place where...

Barry Saunders
Nov 14, 20226 min read
More love letters to the editor
Dear Editor, I read your little story criticizing Bruce Springsteen for the price of his concert tickets. The last time I looked, it was...

Barry Saunders
Nov 10, 20223 min read
Mayor refuses to let city be dragged down by hate
When Lindsey Knapp held her first Halloween Drag Brunch fundraiser in June, there wasn’t much opposition. She recalled that “a couple of...

Barry Saunders
Oct 21, 20223 min read
A pedestrian encounter leaves me "shook" after Raleigh shooting
An hour or so after hearing about the massacre of five innocent people in a Raleigh neighborhood on October 13, I left my hotel in...
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