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Barry Saunders
Oct 23, 20235 min read
More love letters to the editor from our dear readers - including an international one.
Dear Editor, There you go again. What’s your deal with Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson? I know Mark to be a strong Christian with strong values....

Barry Saunders
Oct 18, 20233 min read
Lt. Gov. Robinson misses the mark when given chance to show what his administration would look like
Seems like every year, Halloween sneaks up on some of us, and we have to rush out to the drug store for bite-sized candy bars to hand...

Barry Saunders
Oct 12, 20233 min read
What a shame: Even the Mob had a better dress code than U.S. Senators (longer version)
Whew, that was close! The end of U.S. civilization as we know it was staved off for just a bit longer recently when our political leaders...

Barry Saunders
Sep 13, 20233 min read
Protecting your wallet and self-esteem from scammers... extended version
There are three surefire ways to know you’re getting old. One way is when you succumb and buy that first box of Just for Men to obscure...

Barry Saunders
Aug 2, 20233 min read
Memo to public officials regarding criticism: Don't be like Babs: Just let it ride, yo.
Even as children, we all knew that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Too bad three Durham officials...

Barry Saunders
Jul 12, 20233 min read
N.C. man goes from protecting presidents - to protecting his Salisbury neighborhood
Not so long ago, Harry McLaughlin was jetting around the world, providing protection to U.S. presidents and their families and watching...

Barry Saunders
Jul 7, 20235 min read
Love letters from our beloved readers
Dear Editor, Per your story “Who’s to blame when students find out at the last minute that they won’t be graduating?,” you know...

Barry Saunders
Jun 12, 20234 min read
Who's to blame when N.C. students find at the last minute they're not graduating? (Updated.)
First, it was as though they didn’t want to let me in. Then, it looked like they weren’t going to let me out. High school, I mean. On the...

Barry Saunders
Jun 5, 20233 min read
Can you take the boy out of Hamlet - and place him in Paris? Oui.
You know how Mr. Rogers was always welcoming some new and interesting person to his neighborhood with his trademark greeting “Look who...
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