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Barry Saunders
Apr 2, 20194 min read
The Best of Enemies? How about "the best of America"?
While lunching quietly and undisturbed with Bill Riddick recently, I told him "You know, this may be the last time you'll be able to eat...
Barry Saunders
Mar 29, 20193 min read
Statue for two heroes
Bill Riddick was saddened that he hadn't done more for Ann Atwater. Although Riddick is the one who brought Atwater and C.P. Ellis...

Barry Saunders
Mar 21, 20194 min read
UPDATE: NCAE head agrees with GOP - Teachers should be armed.
Yeah, I know: I, too, was shocked when the head of the N.C. Association of Educators told me that the state's teachers should be armed....

Barry Saunders
Feb 28, 20194 min read
Sorry Charlotte, but your good thing is about to come to an end - and it's your own fault.
Remember in the Oscar-winning movie Brokeback Mountain when an anguished Jack told his pal Ennis "I wish I knew how to quit you"? Those...

Barry Saunders
Feb 6, 20193 min read
What St. Aug's needs in its next president
When Rob Robinson of Hamlet was a student and baseball player at St. Augustine's University -nee College - in the mid 1970s, he walked...

Barry Saunders
Jan 28, 20194 min read
A heapin' helpin' of hyperbole over some hamburgers.
Let's get one thing straight. I love the Rev. Jesse Jackson. Among other things, he granted me my first interview with a person whose...

Barry Saunders
Jan 16, 20193 min read
The UNC Board of Governors was pretty petty. (And I don't mean Richard.)
Usually when I interview my second-favorite Tar Heel basketball player of all time, Charles Scott, he is soft- spoken, measured and...

Barry Saunders
Jan 8, 20193 min read
Step, step, step right off the stage, R., and into the loving arms of the law.
Many, many years ago, back when I was still known as the Disco Godfather, I was at a club where the deejay was dreadful. Dude was so bad...

Barry Saunders
Dec 25, 20181 min read
The Greatest Christmas Tradition Of All
T'was just hours before Christmas and all through the town There wasn't a drop of egg nog nowhere to be found. I went to Harris Teeter,...
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