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Barry Saunders
Apr 20, 20214 min read
Don't Fence Us Out (extended version)
Robert Caro, the award-winning writer who has spent more time thinking about LBJ than probably even Lady Bird did, told a story about his...

Barry Saunders
Apr 9, 20213 min read
Children are not just small adults - and shouldn't be treated as such.
There is debate over whether North Carolina really is, as our license plates say, “first in flight.” The state of Ohio has tried for a...
Barry Saunders
Mar 31, 20214 min read
Letters to the editor
Dear Editor, There you go playing the victim again. I'm sure if you and your friends the Seriously Stupid 7 were in court in front of a...
Barry Saunders
Mar 30, 20213 min read
Doughnuts offered as a shot in the arm to encourage vaccines.
Puritanism, H.L. Mencken wrote, “is the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.” A better definition is “the haunting fear...

Barry Saunders
Mar 17, 20213 min read
When it comes to disciplining children, listen to Elvis. (extended version.)
At a remove of almost 50 years, my two surviving partners-in-crime growing up in Rockingham and I concluded that most of the offenses for...

Barry Saunders
Mar 12, 20213 min read
Anne Frank was right: no need to wait to improve the world.
For seemingly one of the few days this winter, it wasn't raining last Saturday afternoon in Durham and the open sunroof was actually that...

Barry Saunders
Mar 5, 20212 min read
Letters to the Editor
Here are a few of the recent letters from adoring readers. As the most literate readers in the world deserve, keep your comments clean.

Barry Saunders
Mar 2, 20211 min read
Heritage Film Fest
Every year I've attended the Hayti Heritage Film Festival, I've been exposed to 2 or 3 fantastic films I'd have never heard of otherwise!
Barry Saunders
Feb 22, 20213 min read
TED FLED - and left his constituents and daughters out in the cold.
TED FLED – and left his constituents and young daughters out in the cold. Ask me for a “profile in courage in the snow,” and my answer...
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